Yesterday we went trick-or-treating at Lonnie's work and Ethan did a phenomenal job, considering how shy he usually is. For one, he actually walked the whole time! He usually wants to be carried everywhere we go, especially if there are lots of people around. And he actually went up to people and took the candy from them, and sometimes even reached in the bowl and got it himself. Huge for him! Eli just loved looking around at everything and everyone. Oops, though, no pictures.
Tonight we went to the Benders for a Halloween party, which was a blast. We got great pictures and Ethan loved playing with his buddies. On the way home we stopped at a church's Trunk-or-Treat and got some extra candy, too.
Enjoy our cute boys!
Caden and Keira look like giants in this picture!
This picture got out of place and Blogger won't let me fix it, but this is our 'spooky treat.' Rachel saw this graveyard cake on the Today Show and wanted to try it. Rachel requested Lonnie's mad cake-decorating skills, and together they put together the AWESOME treat! Even won the best spooky treat award!
This is just too funny....Lonnie looks great, Eli's trying to eat the banana, and Ethan's distracted by who knows what...