Sunday, March 8, 2009

Picky Eater

Over the last few weeks, Ethan has slowly decided to become the world's pickiest eater. (I know, I know, we deserve this for how picky Lonnie and I are!!!!) Foods that he used to LOVE (like lima beans, chicken, and sweet peas) he now tolerates one day and won't touch the next day. The only foods that he will eat EVERY time we offer it to him are yogurt, fruit cereal bars, black beans, and raisins. If we try to offer him something new (or something he used to like), he will take it out of his mouth and slam it on his tray. Lovely.

Any ideas on how to cure this picky eater stage? (or simply survive it?)

Can't post without a picture, so here's some random fun from last week. Uncle Lonnie is strong!!!


Unknown said...

Cole stated going through phases like that about 11 months. He will have a good month and a "bad" month it seems but we keep offering everything no matter what and are thankful when he is in an eating mood. I have read that it is very common as toddlers are learning their independance.

Nicole said...

I can't say our kids ever were picky but a few tricks I hear that work really well are:

1) egg carton or a mini muffin pan and fill some (not all, or it is overwhelming)with different foods.. just to get him to try something... i have had several friends tell me this worked great for them

2)Get creative! Make "sauce" out of pureed sweet potatoes and put it over noodles... mash cauliflower with chicken broth and make some "mashed potatoes", use yogurt as a dip and let him dip fruits, veggies and crackers into it...

3) never ever let him hear you say "ugh!" or make a nasty face when you are eating something...

He may just be gentically prone to pickiness... as a mommy you will know if he is getting what he needs and how to get him to eat it;-) Good luck!!!