Monday, April 26, 2010

I've created a MONSTER!!!!!

A booger monster, that is. Yep. Ethan is a nose picker. And it's all my fault.

I have a MAJOR issue with boogers. I can't stand to see kids with boogers in their nose. I have first graders that still will come to school with nasty green boogers in their nose and I can't stand it!!!! So, of course, I have made sure that Ethan NEVER has boogers in his nose. Unfortunately, since I'm so obsessive with it, now Ethan is too! Not only does he not like to have boogers in his nose, he also doesn't like to use a Kleenex. Evidence:

Yep, that's the wall right next to Ethan's bed. Covered in boogers. So apparently as he's falling asleep at night, he picks his nose and wipes it on the wall. Awesome. He also picks his nose during the day and wipes it on whatever is close - carpet, wall, couch, Mommy's shirt (never his own), etc. We're working REALLY hard on using a Kleenex; hopefully it will catch on soon.

So watchout next time you're at our house - you might be sitting on boogers!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Catching Up

Holy cow...he looks so big!

Had to post a non-happy picture:

Having lunch with Daddy at work:
My poor little cross-eyed baby! Hopefully that will correct itself soon...


Easter Egg Hunt (a little late)

To give myself the benefit of the doubt, I'm really only one week late on this, not two. Shirley had to work Easter weekend, so last weekend is when they got the grandkids together to dye eggs and have an egg hunt.

Ethan had the best time. He pretty much gets to be the center of attention all the time - both grandparents and older cousins doting on him - he loved it!

*Thanks Cliff for being our personal photographer!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter and other stuff...

Things are going well around here. Lonnie went back to work on Monday, so it's just been Eli and I at home this week. We've done pretty well! He's started to be awake more, which for him has meant he's been a bit more fussy, but not too bad. Ethan's last day of daycare is tomorrow, so it'll be just the three of us home from now on. Yikes! I know it will be great, but I think it will be a bit of an adjustment, mostly for Ethan.
I weighed Eli this morning - 8lbs, 6oz. His face is starting to fill out and his poor little face is covered in baby acne! Poor guy! But he's still cute as can be.
Here are a few pictures from the week.

Eli keeps reaching up and grabbing a handful of his own hair. He can't seem to figure out how to let go of it, though. It leads to screaming until I fix it. Ha!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Ethan's Easter Party

Ethan had an Easter party at his school today. He had a great time hunting eggs and was SOOOO proud of his eggs at the end! Good thing we practiced hunting eggs with Grandma, Grandpa, and Keira this past week! :)

This Week

Nothing big to say, just a few pictures from the week.
Oh, we did have Eli's two week check-up... He's up to 8 pounds even (up 6 oz from birth) and 21 1/4 inches (up 3/4 inch).