Thursday, June 7, 2012

Potty Training

We started our 3 Day Potty Training adventure last Sunday.  Wow!  It was an adventure for sure!  To sum it up, Eli was pretty much potty trained in one day!  We had a few more kinks with him than with Ethan, but he really didn't have any accidents past the first day.  Love that! 
I'm writing this mainly so I can remember all of Eli's fun potty training quirks, not necessarily because any one else really cares.
-Eli can HOLD IT!!!!  He pretty much holds it in until he can't hold it any longer.  Then he starts freaking out, holding himself.  He HATES actually 'going.'  Once he can't hold it any longer, he does the peepee dance while crying.  Once he sits on the toilet, he cries even more, sometimes screaming, until he FINALLY releases and then he immediately feels better and moves on with life.  Sad, but it's quite amusing!  Repeat every 4-6 hours. 
-Eli was dry during nap on day one, but was wet the night of day one.  In the two weeks since then, he's been dry for every nap, and only wet one time at bedtime.  He has occasional accidents here and there, but they are pretty rare. 
-We were still having a hard time with Eli holding it and not wanting to go, and doing the whole crying/freaking out thing for almost a whole week.  Finally, after about a week, he freely goes on the potty when he needs to and doesn't hold it forever. 
-When we were at the softball field on Day 5, Eli had just gone potty in the restroom, then he told me he had to go again.  So I took him to the bathroom and he had pooped in his underwear.  His cute Elmo underwear.  I told him, "Eli, you poopooed on Elmo!!!"  In his sweetest voice, he said, "Sorry, Elmo."  So cute.
-My favorite thing from potty training this time around has been the dynamic between Ethan and Eli during this process.  Eli wants his big brother's approval and admiration so much, so when he peepees in the potty, the first thing he does is call out, "ETHAN!!!!  I peepeed in the potty!  SEE???  SEE???"  And pretty much keeps saying it until Ethan comes and cheers for him.  (Although he should know by know that Mommy is ALWAYS his biggest cheerleader.  I do an AWESOME potty dance!)

Just a few pictures from Day One:

Yay for potty training!  If you're ever looking for help potty training, I HIGHLY recommend the 3 Day Potty Training plan.  It's worked like a charm for both my boys!

1 comment:

Amy A. said...

such a helpful post! I´m thinking of starting the potty training with my 1 year old baby even though it may seem to early for him i want him to get used to the idea of it! Thanks for sharing!