Saturday, November 17, 2007

Sleeping Beauty

We kept the kiddos last night so Curt could have a 'Boys Night Out.' Lonnie and I took the kids to my school's carnival, then I dropped off Lonnie to join Shad and Curt at the Bentonville football game. I went home with Cade and Keira and we watched Ratatouille. When Curt got home and went in to get Keira, this is how we found her - SOUND ASLEEP! I must say, she takes after her aunt. My mom has pictures of me sleeping anywhere and everywhere - on the floor, in a chair with a puzzle in my lap; it didn't matter where. I needed my beauty sleep! I can't imagine what Keira was doing to be able to fall asleep like that. But we sure did get a good laugh out of it!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Doctor Visit

We had our monthly check up yesterday and everything went well. My doctor got called away on a delivery, so I ended up seeing another doctor instead (who is MY doctor's husband!). This was probably good, since she'll be out on maternity leave (she's pregnant with twins) starting at the end of Dec., so I would have ended up seeing him anyway while she's out.

I was able to tolerate the yucky glucose drink better than I expected. It really is not as bad as everyone says. Don't get me wrong, it's not good by any means, but I never felt like throwing up! (So don't worry, Crystal!) The doctor said no news is good news, so if I don't hear anything in the next few days, I guess no gestational diabetes for me!

We've reached the point where we start going to see the doctor every 3 weeks rather than four. Just another reminder of how close this baby is to coming! Yikes! It seems like there's still so much to do! (like picking a name, maybe????)

We'll be traveling to southern Indiana next Tuesday for Thanksgiving. Hopefully I'll have so good pictures to post when we get back. AND...we should be going for a 4D Ultrasound in the next couple of weeks, so that'll give us some more great pictures.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Drumroll please...

I PASSED!!!!!!

You guys have no idea the amount of relief I am feeling right now...

It feels good!

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!

I think we're going to get the gang together and go to Shoguns next weekend to celebrate. Yea!

Other news....
Yesterday was a big day. Baby was kicking around like crazy last night, so I decided to just watch my belly to see if I could see it move. And boy, did I!!!! For a good hour, I sat there and watched my belly move around every few seconds. It was unbelievable. All these milestones I keep hitting just keep getting better and better. Not too much longer and I'll have my little baby boy to hold in my arms - can't beat that!

We go back to the doctor on Wednesday for our monthly check-up. This is when I'll do the dreaded glucose test, so let's pray that I can keep the yucky stuff down and, of course, for no diabetes!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

It's like the night before Christmas...

As most of you know, I am very patiently (ha!) waiting on the scores for my National Boards, which I completed last March. I just found out that the scores are going to be posted at 8:00 in the morning!!!!!! This is a whole week earlier than it was supposed to be, and a month earlier than we actually thought it would be (last year it was Dec. 13 before they released the scores, so we figured they'd be late again this year).
I am freaking out! I know there is no point stressing about it - I either passed, or I didn't, and no matter how much I stress about it, it won't change that fact. But still....there is NO way I'm going to be able to sleep tonight!

I just have to keep reminding myself that this is supposed to be a THREE year process; some people just happen to pass the first year. The passing rate is only 34% the first year, so I'm trying to keep that in mind. But I'd rather just pass the first year and not have to do any more work!

For those of you that don't know...National Boards is a VERY rigorous process that teachers voluntarily go through. It takes a year to complete, and involves turning in a portfolio containing several essays (15-17 pages in length each!), video tapes of your teaching, and taking a big test at a computer testing center. It is a three year process, but even after three years, only 75% of teachers actually pass. If you do pass, along with the prestige of the title, you are certified in all 50 states, and you get a nice monetary reward each year for the 10 year certification.

So....say a prayer for me! I want to pass so bad, but I need prayers that if I don't, I can handle the stress of having to start writing, studying, and videotaping again, on top of the stress of being pregnant.

I hope to post some good news tomorrow!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

My Halloween Costume

I decided for Halloween to dress up as a big, fat pregnant woman. So here I am...

Oh wait, I REALLY AM a big, fat pregnant woman! I can't believe how fast my belly has grown. It seems to have just happened overnight. I really can't complain, though. Being bigger is SO much easier for shopping. I can finally wear maternity tops, instead of finding regular clothes that still happen to fit. And it's kind of fun having a big baby belly.
Baby has been moving around SO MUCH lately! I feel him a lot in the afternoons and evenings. Lonnie is really hoping that he'll start kicking harder so he can feel it, too.
I think we've decided we need to kick it into high gear. I'm six months along, and we have no name, no nursery, no baby stuff. Yikes!
And, OH YEAH....we've reached viability! (or as Lonnie has renamed it, LIVE-ability). Hooray!