Sunday, April 12, 2009


Jealousy will make you do crazy things, right? I think Ethan is very jealous of Caden getting money from the Tooth Fairy for his two teeth, so he's taking matters into his own hands.

In all seriousness though, this is Ethan's favorite toy right now. He loves his pliers!!! (Thanks, Aunt Nicole!) This has become the new church toy - it keeps him quiet more than any other toy. He just chew and slobbers to his little heart's content!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

awww... CUTE! Parker LOVED his tools. Even now, he will take his tools out and "fix" Lillie's jeep or his bike. Must be from watching his Daddy fix things around the house;-) My guess is Ethan will be "fixing" playsets, bikes and lawn mowers this summer!