We weighed him on our scale the other day and he weighed 10 pounds! Holy cow! We were so concerned about his weight the first week so we fed him as much as he would take, and now it's hard to stop him!
The past week has been a little rough. I had been so proud of the great sleeper that Ethan was, until this week. I guess he decided that sleeping at night is not a priority in his life right now, and gave it up. For about 5 or 6 nights in a row, he was up about every 30 minutes at night. He'd go to sleep, then wake up screaming 20-30 minutes later (and, of course, we knew he was fed, burped, changed, and should be content). So we'd get up, put his pacifier back in, then he'd fall back asleep. For 30 minutes. Then I'd get up and rock him and he'd fall back asleep - for 30 minutes. Anyways, you get the picture. Thankfully, we got a little break yesterday. Our friends Alan and Melissa came over around lunch time so Lonnie and I could go on a lunch date/sanity check. After that, we dropped off Ethan at Lonnie's parents house and we went home to take a nap. Wow, was that needed! Then all of a sudden last night, he decided to sleep again. He slept for 4 hours, then woke up to eat (although he stayed up for another hour), then went back to sleep for another 3 hours. It was wonderful!!!!
Rachel is going to give us another break tonight. She's going to do the night shift for us and let us sleep ALL NIGHT LONG!!! Yea for sisters!!!! I just hope Ethan decides to sleep for her - I'd feel really guilty if Rachel's up all night long. (But she does owe me - I did that for her when Caden was just a few days old - yikes!)
But during the day, Ethan is great! We're getting into a pretty good routine of eating, waketime/playtime, and sleeping. And, as you know, he does great when we go out anywhere - he just sleeps the whole time.
The password is 'ethanlamp'
At the bottom of this post are pictures of the frames that we bought - too cute!!!!
Here is Ethan at 1 day old:
Don't their sleeping patterns make you want to go insane???? Cole will do so well for a few nights and then he is up all night for a few nights! I guess one day they will figure it out -- at least I hope so!
Hate to break it to you gals but 5 1/2 years into this parenting thing and my kids are still inconsistent in their sleep patterns. We'll be doing good for a few months and then all of a sudden Daylight Savings time and they are on a new sleep schedule OR even worse the garbage men change their schedule and decide that twice a week they will start coming at 5:55 and my kids think that schedule is a good one...there's always something... as long as you know it and prepare yourself for it, all you can do is laugh (and yawn:0)about it...
LOVE LOVE the new pics... he is just growing isn't he??? Glad you guys are doing well!!!
miss you!
That is not encouraging AT ALL, Nicole!!!!! You're supposed to tell me that he'll sleep all night long in a few short weeks, and he'll do it the rest of his life.
Okay, I know that's not true, but wouldn't it be nice?
That's my dream....
(daydream that is, since I don't sleep at night!)
*By the way, he went 5 hours between feedings last night!!! Unfortunately, after eating at 11pm, he was up for 2 hours before sleeping for 3 more, but that's at least a start! :)
haha... yes, daydreams become all too common once you have children and sweet dreams at night are too few...
Glad Ethan is TRYING to cooperate... It will get better. I wasn't trying to discourage you just giving you a heads up...Uur kids are decent sleepers actually... but there just always seems there is something that disrupts their pattern every few months...
Have a fun day!!!!!
He is getting so big. I can really tell on that pic by the football. Good luck with the sleeping thing. Sorry, I have no wisdom to pass along on that.
He is getting so big. I can really tell on that pic by the football. Good luck with the sleeping thing. Sorry, I have no wisdom to pass along on that.
I think it is cute that Ethan is wearing the same outfit with the football. Just another way to see how much he has grown! We will be in Bentonville for Easter. Do you attend the church Bill and Laura attend? (well, used to attend) If so, we may see you and Gavin can meet a second cousin for the first time!
Hey Laura! We do go to the same church, but I think they go to early service, and we go to late service. We haven't gone to class since Ethan was born, but maybe we'll see you after class, before late service begins. We'll look for you! :)
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