Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Rough Weekend

Ethan has been sick since last Friday. He threw up three times over the weekend and by Sunday was refusing to drink his milk. I've been pretty nervous about dehydration, and even took him to the doctor yesterday to make sure he wasn't getting dehydrated. Our doctor said he wasn't dehydrated, but he had some white spots and junk in the back of his throat that was probably making him not want to eat. He tested for strep, which thankfully came back negative. He basically said just keep trying to get him to drink! Lonnie stayed home with Ethan today and he started drinking a little bit more. We're hoping he'll recover soon - it's been so hard watching him feel so miserable. Pray for a quick recovery!


Anonymous said...

Weird! Peyton has been the same way - since Thursday night. He is not vomiting so much, just the other. We sent him to daycare yesterday, but he was home by 11:30. He also has a loss of interest in his bottles, but is still eating fairly well. Peyton's just getting over his latest ear infection, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. My other assumption is teething. Is Ethan cutting any teeth? How's he sleeping? Whatever it is, I hope he gets to feeling better, soon.


Tracie said...

We missed you tonight in class. Hope Ethan is better soon!
