Thursday, March 4, 2010

Winkle winkle yiddle dar

This post is mostly for me - I want to remember the cute stuff he's saying these days.

-My absolute favorite: "How day, Momma, how day?" or "How day, Daddy, how day?"

-If you cough or sneeze, you hear "Okay Momma, okay?" or "Okay Daddy, okay?"

-He's gotten into the "Why?" stage, but he says it in such a cute, inquisitive voice. "Why, Momma?" "Why, Daddy?"

-I love the way he sings Twinkle Star. "Winkle winkle yiddle dar, how I wuger wuh you are..."

-If he wants you to put something in a certain spot he says "riiiiiiiiiiight there!"

Cute stuff!

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