Sunday, November 23, 2008

Poor Baby!

We ended up taking Ethan to the walk-in clinic this afternoon. The Tylenol/Ibuprofin combo wasn't working anymore to take his fever down. Turns out he has an ear infection. The doctor was also concerned about Ethan's wheezing and did an X-ray to be sure he didn't have pneumonia (which he didn't). After 2 1/2 hours, we left with an antiobiotic for the ear infection, and a steriod and inhaler for the wheezing. Let me tell you, trying to give an inhaler to a 9 month old is quite an experience.
We are praying for a VERY quick recovery. The last 24 hours have been very trying, to say the least. We are completely exhausted, both physically and emotionally. It's so hard seeing him so miserable. He's been a diffferent child the last two days. We're hoping for our sweet, loving, smiley baby boy back soon!
(Thanks Jenny and Rachel for all your advice)


Haley said...

Bless your heart...and Ethan's. Hang in there. Babies are more resilient than moms. :)

Jenny said...

hang in there girl! i am so glad that you took him to the doctor...hopefully today will be a better one for all of you!