Saturday, May 10, 2008

For Parker

Parker, this blog's for you! We were cleaning out under the deck this evening (where we left all of our pool toys out all winter long). As we were moving things around we spotted this snake! It was pretty quick, so we didn't get a very good picture. We also found a whole bunch worms that we thought you might enjoy.

Lonnie would like a full report on what kind of snake it is and any important information you can gather. Happy researching! :)


Nicole said...

Trev says "you sound just like such a teacher"... "research and reporting"?!?!

Parker says, "VERY VERY cool! But it's not THAT big!" I say, it's big enough...

As for the snake.. this site is super fun:

We looked at your pic and their pics and have concluded that it is the nonvenomous Grahamas Crayfish Snake (well, we're hoping for your sake it is) It likes to eat tadpoles and frogs (in case you want to keep it as a pet and keep it alive. Which is what Parker thinks you should do)

Thanks for giving us something to do for the past 1/2 hour... Any other wild Arkansas creatures we can research for you!?

Nicole said...

HAPPY 1st Mother's Day Margaret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a beautiful relaxing day!!!

Margaret said...

Thanks for the info, Parker (and Nicole). We're glad to know that it's nonvenomous. But we still don't think we plan on keeping it as a pet.

We'll keep our eyes open for any other fun animals you can research.

Happy Mother's Day, Nicole!