Here we are, one happy Razorback family.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Go, Hogs, Go!
Here we are, one happy Razorback family.
The time has come...
So, Crystal is coming over on Wednesday with her magical scissors and she's going to make my baby look more handsome than ever! These pictures are for her so she can get an idea in her head of what she's dealing with, but everyone else can enjoy them too. They're not very good pictures, but you get the idea.
Very blurry, but you can see the hair hanging over his ears!
Good luck, Crystal!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Sick Boy
Ethan's cheeks were really red and he felt really warm, but he really wasn't very fussy. I think he has a high tolerance for pain. Once we got some Tylenol in him, he cooled off and felt better (see pictures below - same night). Ethan isn't allowed back to daycare for 24 hours, so Lonnie had to take today off of work. He was already scheduled to take Friday off, too, for our daycare's annual in-service day. So Ethan and Lonnie get a 5-day weekend! I'm not at all jealous. (ha!) Don't worry, Lonnie brought his work laptop home, so he has plenty of work to do.
Ethan's been pretty good today. He's felt warm at times, but Tylenol has been helping.
Ethan is always so interested in what's going on OUTSIDE the tub. We've learned to be a little neater, since the clutter we normally leave on the kitchen counter is a lot of FUN to Ethan.
Monday night - slept all night
Tuesday night - woke up once (but stayed up for an hour)
Wednesday night - woke up twice, about 20 minutes each
So, that's a big improvement! We were a little less strict about our no picking him up rule with him being sick, and he's still done well. We're headed in the right direction!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Lonnie and I have been completely exhausted lately. We decided last night that we HAVE to do something about Ethan waking up several times during the night. We knew we were enabling him by picking him up and rocking him in the middle of the night, but he sometimes wouldn't fall back asleep without us doing it. So Lonnie and I laid out a plan last night for some tough love. We decided that we would not go in his room unless he's cried for at least 15 minutes. Then we would NOT pick him up - pacifier only. If he didn't go back to sleep, let him cry for another 15 minutes, then try the pacifier again. So we went to bed early and geared up for a long night of crying. Lonnie fed him his bottle at 8:45 then laid him down. He slept for about 2 minutes, then woke up crying. I let him cry for 15 minutes, went in and put his pacifier in. Big mistake!!! He was so mad that I did not pick him up and started screaming. He cried for about 10 minutes, then fell asleep. It's now 6am, and I still haven't heard a peep from him. I went in to check on him earlier this morning and he had rolled over and was sleeping on his belly, so I don't know if that made a difference to him. (sidenote: is it okay for him to sleep on his belly now?) Also, he actually slept at daycare yesterday - he took a 3 hour nap in the morning and a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, which is almost unheard of (he only slept for one hour all day on Friday!).
Sooooo... I don't know what all contributed to him actually sleep all night, but I'm hoping it happens again tonight! (greedy, I know)
And oh yeah... I realized I forgot to post his official 6 month stats from the doc:
Weight: 18 lbs, 14 oz. (not 20!)
Height: 27 1/4 inches (I choose not to believe this - he was 27 inches two months ago - I'll stick with my measurement of 28 1/4)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Eating Veggies!
Ethan got his first experience of eating real baby food on Tuesday. We started with carrots, and he really liked them! We did that for three days, and then started green beans last night. Although he ate them, I could tell he didn't care for them like he did the carrots. He kept sticking his tongue out, making it almost impossible to get the spoon in. Next up on Monday, squash! Yum, yum!
I have a funny video of Ethan eating carrots that I'll try to post later tonight. Right now the laundry is calling me.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Happy Half-Birthday, Ethan!!!!
Here are Ethan's unofficial stats: (we'll get the official doctor-version on Monday)
weight: 19.8 pounds (hey, that's not twenty!)
height: 28 1/4 inches
What Ethan's been up to this month:
- EATING CEREAL!!!! Ethan has really started to enjoy his rice cereal. He wasn't crazy about it for a long time, but would usually eat it as long as I sang to him. Now he'll eat most of it without me having to entertain him.
- He just started making his first consonant sound yesterday - he says "bu, bu"
- Smiling a lot! Any look from Mommy or Daddy can usually get a good-size grin
- He went through a 2-week spurt where he didn't really care to eat, but we're back on track now
- He eats 8 ounces at 7:00, 11:30, 4:00, and 9:30ish (before we go to bed), and also eats rice cereal at 6pm.
- Bedtime routine: 6:15 - cereal, 6:30 - bath, 7:00 - bed (sometimes earlier if he didn't get good naps at daycare)
- Going to daycare - harder on Mom than on Ethan! He doesn't always get good naps, but he's doing better
- No teeth, but still drooling and gnawing like crazy!
- SLEEPING! Okay, still not through the night, but he's doing better! Lately we've only been getting up 1-3 times each night. Yea for sleep!!!!
- SCREAMING! Most of the time it's just for fun - he screams at the top of his lungs, just because he can. It's hard to tell sometimes if he's having fun or if he's upset.
Guess that's about it.
Here's my baby on Day One:
Three Months:
Happy 6 months, Ethan!!!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Link to Professional Pictures
If you need the password, it's ethanlamp.
Monday, August 11, 2008
A Weird Tradition
And now we get to share our odd tradition with Ethan.
Here's our list to date (as best as we can remember):
McDonald's x 2
Flying Burrito (Ethan's first Grand Opening!)
Olive Garden
And our newest one (today!)... Steak 'n Shake!!! This was Ethan's second Grand Opening.
Upcoming Grand Openings (let us know if you live around here and hear of the exact date they're opening!):
Beef O'Brady's
Red Lobster
Einstein Bros. Bagels
And a random picture for you...
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Six Month Portraits
(in case you're wondering, I hung them on the fridge to take the pictures, so the black spots are magnets)
What's missing?
That's right! Ethan is NOT swaddled!!!! We (and by we I mean Lonnie) decided about two minutes before bedtime last night that it was time to give up the swaddling (well, WAY past time). We tried giving up cold turkey a couple of months ago and that was a horrible scream-fest, and we haven't tried since then. He just wouldn't sleep longer than 20 minutes in his crib without being swaddled, and I didn't want to be up every 20 minutes at night. Anyway, we decided to try it and he actually did quite well. We got up a few more times than usual, but it was not nearly as bad as I imagined.
And since we're on the subject, his nighttime sleeping has improved - we decided to feed him cereal around 6:15, then bath, and bed at 7pm. We wake him up before we go to bed to feed him his last bottle. He sleeps pretty soundly until around 3am. For some reason, he's up a lot between 3-5am, then he's sound asleep again until 6:30-7ish. Weird, huh? So aside from the two hour stretch, it's a big improvement!
Here's the happy boy when he woke up this morning, so proud of himself for sleeping without being swaddled!!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Sitting Up!!!!
That's right! Our little man can sit up! He still topples over a lot, but he can sit up for awhile on his own. It's amazing how fast he learned. We've been working on it a lot the last 2 weeks, but in the last two days he's really started to figure it out. He does especially well when he has a toy in his lap. In this video he has a farm toy in his lap, which is his absolute favorite. He slaps away at it and has a good 'ol time!
The Answer....
To be honest, though, I was 100% sure that I would NOT cry. I knew the day was coming and I was perfectly okay with it. I've dropped Ethan off with several people (all family and friends, of course), and I am very confident and comfortable with the daycare we chose, so I didn't think it'd be a problem. But due to a couple of miscommunications (long story that I won't get into) when I dropped him off, I left feeling a little unsettled. I did manage to hold it together until I got to the car, but then the tears came!
Long story short, everything's fine now. He hasn't been napping great at daycare, but I think that will come once he gets used to sleeping with the noise. It actually worked out well for us because he was so tired last night that he slept ALL night long, aside from waking up once at 5am.
In other news.... (again)
Ethan's learning to sit up! I'm working on downloading a video, but Blogger's being weird right now. Stay tuned...
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Ethan's First Vacation
I'll admit, I didn't do very good at taking pictures. After downloading the pictures, I realized I didn't even get a picture of my mom (sorry Mom!). I didn't get a single picture from the wedding because I forgot to put the battery back in after I charged it. I was SOOO mad at myself.
So, here are the moments I did capture:
Unless you're in the Willis family, you can't truly appreciate this picture. Everyone who's anyone has sat in this high chair. We have pictures of Trevis, Rachel and I in it when we were little, along with all of my cousins. The "next" generation has all sat in it - Cade, Keira, Parker, Lillie, and now Ethan!!! He really liked the fact that he could see himself in the tray.
Cade and Keira being silly...
We went to the Louisville Zoo on Friday afternoon. It was SOOOOO hot! I was too hot and sweaty to care about taking pictures, so I only got these two: The gorillas put on quite a show for us - they were playing around and splashing in the water. One gorilla thought we needed a close-up of his rear-end, which Ethan thought was funny.
When you're the son or nephew of a teacher, you learn that vacation or not, we always find time to read!
Ethan loved hanging out with his Grandpa! Every time Dad looked at him, he got a HUGE smile on his face.
Grandma finally got to meet her newest grandson! Ethan loved snuggling with his GreatMa.
Grandma and Grandpa with their five great-grandchildren! WOW!
Caden got some quality time with Aunt Debbie - reading, of course!
We had a great trip! We did learn that having three children is WAY HARD!!! Traveling at night time is definitely the way to go. We got in at 4:15 this morning, which kind of made for a hard day, but we were able to send Ethan to Dustin and Joanna's for a little bit so we could catch some zzzzz's.
In other news...
Ethan starts daycare tomorrow! I'm sure I'll have to post something about that tomorrow.