Sunday, August 31, 2008

The time has come...

Even though Ethan is only 6 months old, MY BABY NEEDS A HAIRCUT. There, I said it. I told myself I would NOT cut his hair, but I have let one person's recent comment affect my decision. Last Sunday, after I had made a comment about his crazy mohawk, someone told me she thought I had cut his hair to make it look like a mohawk. Meaning, she actually thought I had taken a pair of clippers and cut the side and back so my sweet, innocent, pure little baby boy would have a mohawk. RIGHT! Combine that with Lonnie's constant comments about how long Ethan's hair is (notice I did not say nagging), and how I brush Ethan's hair out of his face about 100 times a day, and I decided that it was time.

So, Crystal is coming over on Wednesday with her magical scissors and she's going to make my baby look more handsome than ever! These pictures are for her so she can get an idea in her head of what she's dealing with, but everyone else can enjoy them too. They're not very good pictures, but you get the idea.

Very blurry, but you can see the hair hanging over his ears!

Good luck, Crystal!

1 comment:

Crystal_King said...

OH my goodness! I guess I didn't realize just how much longer the pieces on top are than the back and sides! It'll still be a bit darker and thicker on top because the back and sides of Ethan's hair are a bit lighter, but it'll definitely be more even that's for sure! I'm up for the challenge!

Camden is sitting on my lap as I type excited to see his cousin Ethan on Wednesday! Thanks for the pictures I can't wait!!