Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Notes from a First Grader
One of my students was at the writing center this morning. At the writing center they get to write freely about whatever they want and in whatever format (letter, story, postcard, list, poem, thank you note, etc.).
I almost cried when I read this postcard that one of my students wrote:
"Dear Jesus,
Thank you for loving us so much you died on the cros for our sins. And ples forgive me for my sins."
On the address line he wrote:
To: Jesus
WOW!!! From a seven year old! I pray that Ethan can someday be so free and sincere in his relationship with God.
Needless to say, this uplifted my day! :)
***I've been trying to upload a video for two days, and I'm trying it again right now. I'll get it on as soon as the website will cooperate.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Playing Dress Up
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Ethan's New Buddy
Saturday, April 19, 2008
One of many...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Two Months Old
11 pounds, 5.5 ounces
22 1/2 inches
Lonnie said Ethan screamed for about 20 seconds after he got his shots, but was fine after that. He hasn't been cranky at all today. I had several people recommend doing Infant Tylenol before the shots, so I think that helped.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Our Cooing Cutie-Pie
Lonnie says I'm not allowed to call him 'cute' (he's a boy, so he has to be handsome, right?), but he is sooooo cute when he coos!!! Aside from his adorable voice, he makes the greatest facial expressions when doing it. I had a hard time picking a video, because this one is the best one of his voice, but I have another one with GREAT facial expressions. I may just have to post that one, too.
(And what about that double chin???? WOW!!!)
And for those inquiring minds, I did survive my first two days of school. Yesterday was great - the kids were well behaved and the day went fairly quickly. I'll call that the honeymoon stage (teachers can understand that). Today, however, was not so great. Their behavior was less than desirable, so to speak, and the day seemed like it would never end. (It'll get better, though)
But it is so fun coming home at the end of the day. I get to cuddle, snuggle, sing, talk, and play with my sweet boy and forget the troubles of the day.
I'll post the two-month update tomorrow. He goes for his check-up in the morning, so I'll have pics and his weight and length to share.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Random pictures
A Sad, Sad Day
LUCKILY...Lonnie will be staying home the next 2 weeks (thank you Walmart for paid paternity leave!!!), so that softens the blow quite a bit. I won't worry at all about Ethan- he will be well taken care of, loved, and kept on schedule!!!!! (a side note...Ethan has done SO well with his schedule. He works like clockwork these days: 7:00 - eat, 7:45 - play, 8:30 - nap, then repeat every 3 hours. It is wonderful!!!!!) But even though I am leaving Ethan with Lonnie all day, it's still going to be hard. And that's just the leaving Ethan part. I don't even want to think about the fact that I'm leaving him TO GO TO WORK (23 seven year olds to impart wisdom on for 7 hours a day). It'll be hard...
So, pray for me tomorrow! (And for Lonnie, who is still sick and will be at home all day taking care of our sweet little boy)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Us at church on Sunday.
We're working on a video of Ethan cooing. We got one this afternoon, but I'd rather get a better one to post. Ethan has been so interactive lately. He'll stare intently at your face and talk to you. We go back and forth with each other saying "oooohhh" for about 10 minutes at a time. It is soooooo sweet. He is always so happy after he eats, so we usually will spend the first 10 minutes just staring and talking to each other. My favorite time of day!!!! I hope to get a good video of it soon. It melts my heart!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Pouty Face
Rolling Over
I was finally able to capture Ethan's skills on camera. He's so funny though, he will only roll over once a day. After he does it once, I'll put him back on his tummy to see if he'll do it again, but no luck. Even if he rolls over in the morning, if I try to have him do it again in the evening to show Lonnie, Ethan will have nothing to do with it. How weird is that?
Willis family bonding
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Big news...
So we tried it again this morning, and sure enough, he rolled over again! This time he propped himself all the way up on his elbows and held his head almost straight up for awhile, then just flipped over! My parents got to see it this time, but Lonnie still missed it (he's at home, but sick in bed - yuck!).
Ethan's also started cooing. He's been doing it a little bit for a few days, but just in short spurts. Yesterday, he let out a long, sweet "oooohhhhh!" It was adorable! He is showing so much more personality these days, and even though he hasn't been feeling well, he's been very smiley - and smiley in reaction to what you are doing or saying to him, not just random smiles. He's been a lot of fun!